FAQ: What’s the Best Class for a Beginner?

Where You Should Start Depends on Where You Are!
I want to register my preschoolers.
kickSTART is the place to be! This is a sessional class, so please check out our CLASSES page to see when the next session begins!
I am looking for classes for elementary-aged students.
Our Family Classes are the best place to start for students 5 years and older! We have two options to fit your schedule: once/wk or twice/wk programs. The programs are the same in terms of curriculum.
This class is for all ages! Parents are welcome.
My child has special learning needs.
All of our classes are inclusive to students of all abilities. Some classes may work better for particular types of accommodations like noise levels/classes sizes, etc. Feel free to email Michelle to discuss the best options!
I want to register my teen.
Teens are also welcome in our Family classes which helps families with more than one child manage the calendar.
BUT beginners are also welcome in our A/T (Adult/Teen) Taekwondo program. With no younger kids in this class, instruction is geared toward older students.
I’m an adult. Please don’t make me do sommersaults with the 6 year olds.
No worries friend. The A/T (Adult/Teen) Taekwondo class is structured with adult bodies and adult learning in mind!
kickFIT is also a good place to start if you’d like to focus on movement and/or fitness, whether you intend on working toward a black belt or just want to explore martial arts movements to get/keep yourself active.
I’m an adult but I’m not interested in going through the belts.
kickFIT is a great place for all bodies to explore martial arts movement and work on an individual program in a group class setting! All abilities are welcome.
A/T Taekwondo is also an option if you are looking to change up and challenge your fitness and skill levels! Belt testing is not mandatory!
I would like to learn to fight!
Our competitive program focuses on Olympic Taekwondo fighting. However, some basic skills are needed first – so take a look at the other programs for beginners and start there.
Have a conversation with one of our coaches to talk about your goals and we can help get you on the path!!